
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

MORE Changes to VIP

So, IMVU giveth and IMVU taketh away....

A recent forum post details the changes in effect as of January 2014....wait...JANUARY?? Why am I just learning of this now? As one poster put it, there was no BIG BOLD announcement. Very interesting how IMVU keeps these sort of changes under wraps until it's sprung upon their users.

Update as of 4/15/2014:

Recently we launched the Shop Together feature where VIPs get to invite anyone to shop together with them. We hope you are enjoying this added perk. As stated below, we are monitoring your suggestions and continuing to explore ways to make the VIP program more beneficial to its members.

Thank you

Being a VIP on IMVU means access to exclusive perks like monthly Credit awards, 5% catalog discount, VIP-exclusive sales, and access to VIP-only rooms. Plus, we keep adding features that are available to only our VIP members - room access controls, whisper chatting, action blocking, custom lists for your closet - just to name a few.

Complete list of VIP benefits is available here.

One benefit that our VIPs currently enjoy is a monthly gift of a fully furnished room. Based on the overwhelming feedback we have received, effective January 1, 2014, we will no longer award this monthly gift. Instead, we will explore other ways to make the VIP program even more special for our elite community members like you. We welcome your suggestions for this!

If you are a current VIP member, you will continue to receive the gift till your subscription runs out. However, for anyone who joins or renews their VIP membership after January 1, 2014, Credits will be awarded every month as part of the perks but not the room.

A message to this effect is being sent to all VIP members.

Thank you.
Varsha - Director, Community Experience & User Safety

Some Comments:

Funny we didn't get some BIG BOLD announcement in our inbox about this feature being taken away, similar to all those other BIG BOLD announcements I get on a continuing and seemingly non-stop basis. 

This is messed up I've been a vip for over 2 years and the only thing I liked about it was the free room I recieved every month I mean why am I paying $10 a month now. For 7400 credits when I can get 20k creds for that same money from 1 of the many re-sellers you all need to seriously re-evaluate this decision cause this totally sucks and if this is the best you can do i will be cancelling my VIP come january
I am a VIP member so how many VIP members did you survey about VIP features because I did not get a survey about VIP I would of said I liked the free furnished rooms I gotten for being in VIP plus you jumped the gun because you didnt mention how your replacing this VIP benefit.

In agreement with the above. A shop together feature is Nice, but really, not valuable to those who don't use it. Same can be said for the bundled room gifts, but I did use some of the furniture that came WITH the rooms. I'm amazed by these changes. Change is inevitable, and how these changes benefit us and affect the bottom line is really at issue. If imvu takes more and more away, and VIP becomes less valuable to me personally then I, too, will not renew.

***VIP since 2009***

Here is a screenie showing the current VIP benefits as of today. NOTICE!! These benefits can and WILL change at any time without prior notice!